a beacon of vocal magic, artistic exploration, and soulful expression

WEDNESDAYS ꩜ May 8th - August 7th

6 - 8:30pm MST ꩜ Boulder, CO


Welcome to the LUMINOUS MUSE CHOIR - a fertile ground for exploring your vocal artistry and awakening the muse within through the medium of in-person group singing in Boulder, CO. This Spring/ Summer, we’ll work on original & collaboratively curated material culminating in a performance & song share for our community!


Designed for experienced singers of all genders (ages 15+), the Luminous Muse Choir offers a nourishing musical space where we can explore our unique vocal & musical styles, indulge our inspirations, and co-create the most beautiful versions of our favorite songs as an offering. Think healing/ medicine music meets Jacob Collier… That’s the goal!

Led by singer & vocal coach Jessica Sirena (video below) and featuring special guest teachers, we’ll go deep into the mysteries of play & sound, creating a musical ensemble with weekly 2.5 hour sessions over the course of 13 weeks. We’ll focus on singing uplifting & profound music for the soul - drawing on roots music, world folk, & medicine music. Get ready to explore songs with different stories and lineages, including (but not limited to!) Spanish, Portuguese, Yoruban & Hebrew roots. We’ll also explore vocal improvisation & circle singing and include improvisation in our performance.

If this sounds like THE BEST THING EVER to you, and you are feeling LIT UP by this description - you are in the right place! Hallelujah & AMEN!